
Historic Structures Fund


The New Haven Preservation Trust welcomes applications for small grants issued from its Historic Structures Fund.

This reimbursement program is intended to offset some of the costs incurred by historic property owners in repairing or replacing unique decorative items central to the historic character of their properties which are deteriorated or missing. Examples of such features are porch columns, cast-iron fences and decorative trim. This program is not intended to cover routine repairs. Grant awards are generally between $1,000 and $5,000, and are made on a one-to-one matching basis. Grants may also be made to support research, documentation and preparation of materials for the purpose of proposing a nomination or retaining a listing on the National Register of Historic Places and/or the State Register of Historic Places.

Priority in grant awards are given in this order:

  • Properties in Local Historic Districts

  • Properties designated as Landmarks by The New Haven Preservation Trust

  • Properties in National Register Districts

  • Other historic properties in New Haven

Any person or persons who own a historic property in the target areas can apply for a grant. Preference is given to low- and moderate-income residents. Non-profit organizations, whether educational, religious, or cultural, are encouraged to apply.

Building owners must submit a completed application form, along with supporting materials describing the proposed work, to The New Haven Preservation Trust. Applications are reviewed by Trust staff and Board members. Trust staff is available for technical assistance at no cost. Please note that applications must be approved before work can begin.

Following completion of the job, Trust staff will evaluate the work on site to verify its adherence to both the approved application and to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation.

Before: 233 St. John Street

Before: 233 St. John Street

After: 233 St. John Street

After: 233 St. John Street

Before: 113 Lawrence Street

Before: 113 Lawrence Street

After: 113 Lawrence Street

After: 113 Lawrence Street

Before: 154 East Grand Street

Before: 154 East Grand Street

After: 154 East Grand Street

After: 154 East Grand Street